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115 years ago, the late

Mr. Rose Ferguson

and a few laboring

personnel came to the Leesville community from

Jasper, Texas

with the

Nona Mills Lumber Company

. The people were

provided a home by Mr. Ferguson, who named the settlement


Nona Mills Quarters

, which is the present site of the Vernon

Parish School Board, East Leesville Elementary, Leesville Jr. High

School, Leesville High School and Leesville High School Stadium.

These people were not only working for a living, but

working for a life. They met in their homes and held

church school and worship services. God provided, these

“Anyhow Christians”

, through Mr. Ferguson, with a plot

of land, lumber and labor cost for a church building.

On September 1, 1899, God sanctioned the naming and dedication

of the

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church


the first African-American

church in Leesville.

From Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, other

churches in Leesville were organized such as the New Willow

Baptist Church in 1900, the Mt. Olive Baptist Church in 1912 and

the St Paul Baptist Church in 1925. The location of Pleasant Hill

was moved from the Nona Mills Quarters in 1911 to the site near

the late brother Dan Mullen’s property, the present site of the

Leesville Temple Lodge. Later, a move was made into the U.S.O.

building that had been converted into a church, located at the

corner of Simpson and Nona Street. On February 12, 1958, the

location of the church and its contents was destroyed by fire.

After our church burned, there was no place for worship, but God

always provides a way for His children doesn’t he.

Mr. A. Roy


, then principal of Vernon High School, offered the use of the

school for church services. The site at 1100 Nona Street was built in

1959 under the leadership of the late

Reverend D.L. Carter

, and

less than 15 months after the church had burned the members were

able to enter the new location. Reverend Carter was a good shepherd

for his sheep and led us in the way of the Lord for 35 years. Later, his

health failed him and he recommended a new pastor,


Monroe W.. Harrison

, in 1971. Reverend Harrison was a deacon

of the church and became an ordained minister in September of

1957. He preached his first sermon as full time pastor on February 7,

1971. Throughout his 22 years as pastor of Pleasant Hill, Reverend

Harrison exemplified exceptional abilities as a shepherd of the

Christian flock. Because of his great pastoral ability, Reverend

Harrison was commonly referred to as

“Leesville’s Pastor”
